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Summer Camp

The Scouts will be attending Camp Tesomas near Rhinelander, WI for summer camp this year. The dates will be from August 6-12. For more info check out the camp webpage: Tesomas Scout Camp

Gateway District Spring Camporee

For Troop 570’s first camping trip as Boy Scouts, the scouts will be attending the Gateway District Spring Camporee out at Camp Oda-Ko-Ta May 19th – 21st.  To get all of the paperwork in order ahead of time, please complete the activity consent form, print and bring to our next meeting.  In addition to the activity consent form, all scouts/leaders/parents attending the camp MUST have a current medical form on file with the troop PRIOR to attending camp.
Jody will be sharing more about the camporee as we receive information from the council.  In the meantime, if you have any questions about either form, please contact Lori Knick.

Troop 570 is official!

The charter for Troop 570 was made official Friday night at the Cub Scout Pack 570 Blue & Gold dinner. Mr. Eis presented the charter and Mr. Smith was officially installed as the Scoutmaster.

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